Lease Agreement For Horse Barn
Start with information that identifies the parties to the lease, the equine installation and the length of the lease. Include a deposit and monthly rent as well as penalties for delayed or denied payments. Insurance is an important part of a full lease for equine installations. The contract should determine what insurance each party should maintain. The contract should take into account the utility company in the barn and who pays the bills. Since dogs and horses can be a volatile combination, it is advisable to indicate which breeds of dogs are allowed on the site, if at all. Other things to think about are changes to the installation, manure management and panels. This list is not exhaustive and there are many conditions necessary for each lease. For a consultation, please contact a qualified lawyer. If you do not have a written boarding agreement with the stable operator, it is customary to provide a month`s written notification to leave a barn. You are not obliged to do so, but if you simply leave with your horse without terminating your stable operator, he or she may be able to successfully argue that it was an “implicit condition” of your unwritten boarding agreement that you would provide 30 days` written notice. (If this is the industry-recognized standard, it could be considered an unspoken or tacit condition of the boarding agreement.) I emphasize the word “may,” because if you get stuck, the pay table would depend very heavily on the facts of your individual situation. Simple answer: If the boarding contract you signed requires you to terminate a period of one month or even two months, you should do so.
You are not obliged to keep your horse in this stable during this period, but you are required to pay for the board during this period. If you do not have a written lease, it depends on what the parties understood at the time of the lease agreement. Was the lease a monthly lease that allows you to terminate with a written termination with deadlines? Was it the lease of a whole year? In my legal practice, in cases where there is no written lease, I see cases where the tenant, after a few years of renting the horse, believes that he or she owns the horse.