Cooperative Agreement Program

Key Takeaways 1. Subsidies and cooperation agreements are very similar. 2. The differences lie in the details of implementation (i.e., cooperation agreements are accompanied by “substantial participation” by the federal agency). 3. There are also legal implications of these different agreements, so read the agreements carefully and discuss them with the lawyers. [Note 1] Significant participation means that scientific staff support, guide, coordinate or participate in project activities after the scientific or program staff are awarded. In general, the cost of cooperation agreements indicates that the responsibility for the implementation of the supported project rests with the recipient of the implementation of the funded and approved proposal and budget, as well as the conditions for allocation. Responsibility for monitoring and diverting the project, if any, rests with the NIJ. Moreover, substantial participation is a more relative than absolute concept. NIJ`s participation in a cooperation project will depend on the circumstances. Examples of this include the review and approval of IJ`s implementation, monitoring and evaluation plans; The necessary review and approval of the IJ after completion of a phase of work before it passes the next phases; IJ`s verification and authorization of subcontracting or sub-subsidy; joint actions and cooperation or participation, such as between the NIJ and the laureate, in carrying out certain technical activities involved in the implementation of the project. If you are interested in more detailed information on grants and cooperation agreements, there are still a few resources: a cooperation agreement “distinguishes itself from a grant by the fact that it provides for substantial participation between the federal passport or passport agency and the non-federal agency in the execution of the activity under the federal award.” The question now is: What is a “substantial commitment” from the federal government? Dave, yes, they can be.

But it really depends on the specific funding possibility – which is the main purpose of the grant. As long as the grant achieves this goal, funding can support all or part of a 508-compliant website. For other questions, we advise you to contact the grant funding agency or the cooperation agreement concerned, as we are not in a position to provide binding answers to this question. Click on one of the support programs and cooperation programs listed below to learn more: NIJ may opt for discretionary bonuses in the form of grants or cooperation agreements. While many of you are familiar with subsidies, you may not be familiar with cooperation agreements. Cooperation agreements are just another tool to support crime and quality justice research. The cooperation agreements allow us to make full use of the expertise of NIJ scientists and to support innovative research. The table below shows some of the key differences and similarities between these two financing options.

Here, for example, is a cooperation agreement of the Department of Geological Survey of the Interior (USGS). This is a cooperative funding opportunity for research and technical assistance, which is provided in the form of a cooperation agreement and not a grant. The laureate will work closely with USGS staff and researchers to improve scientific computing and visualization capabilities through the search for new large-scale computer tools, methods and data management techniques. Recipients of a cooperation agreement must obtain and obtain prior authorization for a conference.